12 February 2011

Blogging from Emacs.

Working with emacs is always fun, starting from programming to mail to web to irc etc. I have learned new thing that you can update the google blog from emacs using e-blog library.
For setting up you need to have e-blog, curl and ofcource emacs. Here is the setup
1) Download e-blog from http://code.google.com/p/e-blog/
2) Untar it to any directory. For example .emacs.d
open emacs to edit .emacs file and add the path
(load "~/.emacs.d/e-blog/e-blog.el")
Load the file or restart emacs. Use Alt+x and type e-blog-new-post to start posting. Have fun, Happy emacs, Happy Hacking :)

1 comment:

sri said...

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