26 May 2011

Encrypted partition in Ubuntu/Debian/Linux

Setup and encrypted partition in Linux(Debian/Ubuntu and variant) is quite easy.

Please follow the  below steps.

I have physical partition sda1 available.

Step 1: Install cryptsetup
| sudo apt-get install cryptsetup

Step 2: Set up encryption on the partition
| sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda1
| ========
| This will overwrite data on /dev/sda1 irrevocably.
| Are you sure?
| (Type uppercase yes): YES
| Enter LUKS passphrase:
| Verify passphrase:
| Command successful

Step 3: Open the mount the device
| sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 crypt_disk
| Enter LUKS passphrase:
| Command successful.

Step 4: Create the file system( I am creating ext4)
| mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/crypt_disk

Step 5: Add entry to /etc/crypttab
| crypt_disk /dev/sda1 luks

Step 6: Create mount point for automate the process in future
 and add entry to /etc/fstab
| mkdir /mnt/crypt
| /dev/mapper/crypt_disk /mnt/crypt ext4 defaults 0 2

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